mercredi 25 avril 2007

A challenge for you

Dear reader,

Yesterday evening, I went to run. After a short analysis of my performance, I had the idee to challenge you.

Guess what's happened in the middle of the run?

Yannou :
a) Met a beautiful californian blonde and have a great time
b) Crossed the road of a bear and had a beer with him
c) Had a huge pee (never forget to pee before you run)
d) Was kidnapped by aliens and was quickly relaxed due to his feet smells

1 Comment:

Anonyme said...

A wild guess:

a- californian babe?? dream on!!
b- A bear?? naahh... a beer more likely!!
c- a pee... probably because of the beer with the bear!!
d- in a galaxy far far away???
